teas for digestion

Teas for digestion feature a range of herbal tisanes and teas chosen for their unique abilities to help our digestive systems run smoothly and efficiently.

 Peppermint 1-4 After meal Digestion
 Ginger 1-3 After meal Digestion
 Cinnamon Garden  1 After meal Digestion
 Dandelion 1-2 After meal Reduce inflammation
 Chamomile 1-3 Anytime Nausea
 Liquorice* 1-2 Anytime Reduce inflammation
 Green Tea 1-3 By 4pm Soothing

*Not recommended if you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension).

There are many reasons why a digestive system running at 100% is important, and these reasons are both small and large.

Anyone who has ever suffered

  • IBS
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Acid reflux

knows that the discomfort can be painful, preventing you from falling asleep.

A lot of these complaints cause various parts of the digestive system to become inflamed. Inflammation can be the cause of obesity because it can prevent weight loss irrespective of how much you diet and exercise.

    There is nothing wrong with a big night out - a spicy dinner and some drinks - but we'd like to talk about some of the best teas you might like to have waiting at home to improve your digestion at the end of the night....

    NewMe 28 Day Teatox

    Peppermint tea speed up digestion

    Peppermint (Mentha × piperita) is the plant that gives us the deliciously refreshing peppermint flavouring in toothpaste, milkshakes, chewing gum and breath freshener.

    It contains zero caffeine and no sugar. It is a great source:

    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin C
    • Folate
    • Potassium
    • Calcium.

    Peppermint tea has health benefits catering for, amongst other things, your digestive system. This includes:

    • Relieving gas
    • Bloating
    • Indigestion.

    It does this by relaxing the muscles of the digestive system, preventing the spasms that lead to stomach cramps. These properties of peppermint tea make it useful for relieving menstrual cramps, tension headaches and improve sleep.


      Gas is produced in two ways – by the air taken in when we eat or drink, and also by the breaking down of food in the stomach. Sometimes this gas can’t escape due to tension in the muscles of the gut and sphincter. The enzymes in peppermint tea relax these muscles, releasing trapped gas and relieving the symptoms of bloating.

      There is evidence that peppermint can help relieve the symptoms of more serious digestive complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome, as well as nausea associated with chemotherapy.

      Furthermore, peppermint contains a type of antioxidant called flavonoids. These flavonoids have antimicrobial properties that have the ability to keep populations of ‘bad’ bacteria in the stomach low. This is another way peppermint tea can help keep your digestive system clean and working efficiently. A cup after dinner will also settle your stomach, paving the way for a good night’s sleep.

      Does peppermint tea aid digestion?

      Studies have shown that peppermint tea does indeed help with gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion and bloating. The menthol and menthone in peppermint have been shown to relax the muscles of the stomach and bowels to enable the smoother transition of food through them. The high content of strong antimicrobials is also thought to contribute by keeping populations of ‘bad’ gut bacteria down.


      Peppermint tea not only smells and tastes great, but it has powerful properties that relax stomach muscles, allowing trapped gas to escape and thereby relieving bloating. It also has flavonoids with antimicrobial properties to help keep populations of harmful bacteria down.

      Ginger is probably the best tea for digestion

      Ginger is another refreshing tea with amazing benefits for our stomach. 

      When we talk about ginger, we are talking about the root, or rhizome, of the Zingiber officinale plant, which is a favourite ingredient in cooking as well as in traditional medicine.

      One of the main uses of ginger throughout the ages, as well as today, is to relieve nausea and vomiting, including morning sickness, as well as indigestion.


        It does this in a couple of ways.

        1. The main bio-compounds in ginger – gingerols and shogaolsspeed up digestion, which is thought to reduce nausea.
        2. Its anti-inflammatory properties may improve digestion and prevent feelings of nausea by calming the stomach.

        The effects of ginger on relieving and preventing nausea are well-researched. It has been found effective against both morning sickness and sea sickness.

        One study concluded ginger to be more effective than Dramamine, an over-the-counter motion sickness medication.

        Furthermore, ginger is a well-known carminative. A carminative is a herb that has the ability to either prevent gas from forming in the stomach, or speed up the expulsion rate of gas if it does form. This in turn reduces uncomfortable feelings of bloating and relieves pressure on the sphincter at the top of the stomach.

        As with peppermint tea, there is also evidence that ginger tea can help reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and, possibly, gastroenteritis – a short lived condition caused by an infection in the gut causing inflammation and stomach upset.

        What does ginger tea do for your gut?

        In a 2018 review of medical studies, researchers concluded that ginger acts as a carminative, reduces cramps related to digestion, and prevents indigestion, as well as reducing both flatulence and bloating. Furthermore, they found that ginger aids in ‘gastrointestinal motility’ which is the movement of food and waste through the stomach and bowels. Additionally, ginger helps prevent nausea and vomiting.


        The main bio-compounds in ginger – gingerols and shogaols -are responsible for dealing with a range of digestive problems including nausea and vomiting, bloating, IBS and gastroenteritis. Ginger is a carminative, which is a herb that prevents the build-up of gases in the stomach.

        Organic Digestive Tea Cinnamon Garden

        Organic Digestive Tea Cinnamon Garden is a blend of specially chosen herbs to relieve your digestive issues. This tea contains an effective and delicious blend of:

        • Cinnamon
        • Peppermint
        • Ginger
        • Dandelion
        • Anise
        • Fennel
        • Caraway seeds.

        It has a smooth taste and you can't begin to believe the spicy, floral flavour.

        Together, these herbs relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal system, reduce gas and bloating, as well as the stomach cramps associated with indigestion.

          This study shows that cinnamon promotes digestion by lowering levels of carbon dioxide in the stomach, which lowers the overall temperature and enables smoother digestion.

          Peppermint relieves bloating, gas and indigestion - not to mention is relaxing and completely refreshing.

          Ginger relieves nausea and vomiting, and is a carminative, which means it helps gas escape the stomach to prevent uncomfortable bloating.

          In short, you get the very best of everything in this blend to ensure your days of indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux are behind you. Read:


          Cinnamon Garden is a blend of herbs chosen specifically for their ability to alleviate digestive issues. Some deal with gas and bloating. Others deal with gut bacteria. Others promote faster movement of food and waste products through the body to prevent digestive upsets.

          Dandelion Root Tea helps with digestion

          Everyone knows dandelions, whether in your childhood you blew the puff-ball of seeds skywards, or whether as an adult you dug them out of your lawn, frowning the whole time.

          But don’t be in a hurry to condemn these pretty weeds. Not only can you use the leaves and the bright yellow flowers to make a tisane with its own health benefits, but you can use the roots to make a herbal tisane that could put an end to digestion problems. Read:

          Dandelion contains prebiotic fibre inulin, which has the ability to speed up intestinal movement and thereby help guard against constipation. It can improve appetite as well as soothe upset stomachs.

          Being a diuretic, dandelion root tea also relieves water retention, by increasing your visits to the toilet.

          The way it promotes a healthy appetite and aids in digestion is due to its ability to stimulate higher levels of stomach acid and bile, which are needed to break down the food we eat, especially fats.

          In addition, it is beneficial to the health of the liver, which not only produces bile, but also helps detoxify our bodies.

          With anti-inflammatory properties, dandelion root tea can support efficient digestion by helping to reduce inflammation of the stomach and bowels, which, incidentally, can be a cause of weight gain if left untreated.

          How does dandelion stimulate digestion?

          Dandelion tea has the ability to increase appetite and stimulate digestion. It does this in a roundabout way by taking care of the liver. Dandelion tea has traditionally been used as a liver tonic to ensure the organ is healthy and works efficiently. More directly, dandelion tea stimulates the flow of bile, which is an essential part of digestion as it helps with the absorption of fats.


          Dandelion root tea aids digestion in many ways. It contains a substance called inulin which increases digestion and helps prevent constipation. As a diuretic, it can prevent water weight. Furthermore, it can stimulate the production of stomach acid and bile, which break down the food in our gut, as well as keep the liver clean and healthy.

          Chamomile Tea help treat digestive issues

          Chamomile is extremely effective at helping us to get a better night’s sleep, but it is also remarkable at soothing upset stomachs, even for babies, read:

          In fact, Chamomile tea can tackle problems such as:

          • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
          • Gastritis
          • Colic
          • Nausea
          • Vomiting
          • Diarrhoea
          • Acid reflux

          In laboratory tests, chamomile tea was found to be effective against Helicobacter pylori bacterial infections, which are connected with stomach lining irritation, ulcer formation and uncomfortable bloating.

          H. pylori may also be responsible for a more serious condition called gastritis. Gastritis is the name given to a few different complaints caused by inflammation of the stomach lining.

          Chamomile contains strong anti-inflammatory properties which combined with its ability to relax muscles, helps to prevent such conditions, along with maintaining normal digestive function.

          This also has the added benefit of helping to prevent constipation. Read:

          GERD – otherwise known as gastroesophageal disease – is a stronger version of acid reflux. In one study of over 12,000 people, the common denominator for their GERD was stress.

          Chamomile is famous for its relaxing, anti-stress properties, and it is these, along with its ability to fight inflammation, that assist in maintaining a normally functioning digestive system.

          Its anti-spasmodic properties take care of stomach and menstrual cramps, and may help reduce vomiting and nausea. Read:

          It is best to drink chamomile before a meal so it has a chance to work on the stomach before you add food. Usually, 1 to 2 cups of chamomile tea a day is enough, although it is possible to drink up to 4 – perhaps with one 45 minutes before you are ready to go to bed.

          When should you drink digestive tea?

          According to research, while there is no perfect time to drink digestive tea, about an hour before or after a meal seems to be ideal. If you drink tea too close to a meal, the tannic acid from the tea leaves may bind to any protein content in the food, rendering it much harder for the body to digest. It also hinders iron absorption.


          Chamomile is world-famous for its ability to treat insomnia. In similar ways, it successfully treats digestive disorders. It does this in many ways including helping maintain low populations of H. pylori bacteria, relaxing the smooth muscle of the stomach and intestines, reducing stress which can cause inflammation of the digestive system, and by reducing any inflammation that does happen appear.

          Liquorice Root Tea is great for digestion

          Liquorice root is one of the oldest herbal remedies in recorded history. The liquorice plant (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is native to southern Europe and northern Africa, and has been used in traditional medicine to treat digestive problems such as:

          • Upset stomach
          • Gas
          • Bloating
          • Indigestion 
          • Acid reflux
          • Heartburn

          There are two flavonoids - glabridin and glabrene – which are thought to be responsible for most of the benefits of liquorice root. Research has found them to be effective treatments for reducing:

          • Stomach ache
          • Heartburn
          • Nausea

          As with some of the other herbal tisanes, liquorice root tea is particularly effective against the bacteria responsible for gastric ulcers. Helicobacter pylori grows in our gut, where the acidic conditions suit it perfectly. However, these bacteria have the ability to lower the acidity levels in the stomach, reducing its effectiveness to break down food.

          Furthermore, the bacteria can burrow into the stomach lining where our immune system cells can’t find them. Not only can this cause inflammation and stomach problems, but if left for long enough, they can result in ulcers.

          However, regular liquorice root tea can greatly reduce the population of this troublesome bacteria.

          Liquorice tea is deliciously sweet with hints of anise and mint, and possesses a flavour that is not as strong as the confectionery.

          Does liquorice make your bowels move?

          Liquorice root has been used for centuries as a mild laxative, so it may very well encourage bowel movement. Liquorice tea contains anti-inflammatories which encourage quicker movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract while helping to prevent constipation. Liquorice root is a common ingredient in laxative teas.


          Liquorice root is famed for its ability to treat digestive conditions from heartburn to GERD. Studies have shown it to be more effective, in some cases, than antacids. It can control the population of the Helicobacter pylori, which can cause stomach ulcers.

          Green tea effects on digestion

          Green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and is one of the world’s most popular teas. Drunk for centuries in Asia, it is fast becoming a regular part of the western diet due to the immense health benefits it has.

          Most of the hard work green tea does is through its abundance of rich polyphenols, catechins, and antioxidants, which can greatly relieve stomach and bowel pain.

          They do this by helping the stomach to break down food more efficiently, and by reducing inflammation in the digestive system.

          An inflamed stomach doesn’t work very well, and this can cause anything from indigestion to nausea and cramps. For this reason, green tea is also a great way to soothe irritable bowel disorder (IBD), which is caused by inflammation. There is also some evidence green tea may help prevent stomach cancer.

          Green tea is a carminative, which means it has the ability to either prevent gas from forming in the stomach, or eliminate it more quickly than it would otherwise be evacuated. An effective way of preventing awkward bloating. Read:

          Can green tea cause digestive problems?

          Ordinarily, green tea is one of the best true teas you can drink. However, like everything, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. In a 2012 review of medical literature, it was found that an average of one to five cups of green tea was ideal, or no more than two cups of Black Leaves Fat Burning Tea Matinée. Please endeavour not to exceed our recommended quantities as too much green tea can cause stomach upsets. This can also happen if green tea is drunk on an empty stomach.

          Other true teas, such as oolong tea and its fermented cousin, pu-erh tea, have similar soothing qualities on our digestive systems.

          Does drinking Green tea after a meal help digestion?

          Drinking warm tea after a meal does aid in digestion. Warm tea helps break down food faster and assists with moving it through the bowels. And unlike warm water, you get the benefit of the nutrients and antioxidants in the tea. It is recommended that any tea be consumed at least an hour after eating.


          Green tea is a famous drink the world over. It has an incredibly long list of health benefits, but one of the most notable is relief from digestive problems. It has extremely strong bio-compounds that can greatly relieve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disorder, as well as prevent stomach cancer.


          Unfortunately, due to our diet and 21st century lifestyle, digestive complaints are growing in number. But rather than reach for man-made antacids or other medications, why not try Mother Nature’s herbal treatments first? After all, most of them have been used for thousands of years and are still being used.