bloating constipation

Often, bloating can be caused by constipation. The blockage further down causes trapped gasses and that horrible feeling of being uncomfortably full. In these moments, you need to have a plan of action to help tackle both problems and get back to feeling your best.

Doing gentle exercise, taking some ginger and a small massage on your stomach are some good ways to relieve bloating and tackle constipation as the cause.

If you regularly suffer from bloating caused by constipation and want to find relief, here's what you need to know.

NewMe 28 Day Teatox

Drink a lot of fluids to help ease constipation

One of the easiest ways to tackle constipation and bloating is to make sure you are hydrated. Fluids help to lubricate your digestive tract and keep everything moving. Drinking warm liquids can help flush your intestines, loosen blocked stools, and remove excess toxins which cause bloating.

Being adequately hydrated can help with all sorts of digestive issues. It's the original and ultimate detox to clear out your system and give you a reset.

Fluids such as water, juices, soup, tea, and other nonalcoholic drinks can loosen poop. So you can pass it quickly and help clear the way for any remaining digestion. By clearing everything out, any excess gas and bloating will automatically pass.

Think of water as a reset for your digestive system. It's best to try to stay hydrated at all times but make sure you drink lots of water before a large meal to give yourself the best chance to avoid constipation and bloating. It's especially important if you plan to drink alcohol during a meal. Alcohol is dehydrating and can make constipation worse.

Herbal laxative teas can help you poop instantly

Senna 1-2 After Meal
Peppermint 2-4 After Meal
Turmeric 1-3 Before Meal
Dandelion root 1-3 After Meal
Ginger 1-3 After Meal
Liquorice root 1-2 After Meal
Marshmallow root 1-2 Before Meal
Flat Tummy Tea 1-2 After Meal

You can also find some herbal teas which have natural laxative properties. Natural herbal remedies such as:

  • Peppermint
  • Turmeric
  • Dandelion root

Are very hydrating and help relieve digestion. Read:

    Besides, you could use a blend of herbal teas to target digestive relief, tackle constipation and bloating and keep you hydrated. It's a triple threat!

    Herbal teas are a great way to keep you hydrated after a meal instead of a coffee. Like alcohol, coffee is dehydrating. Switching it out for herbal teas can promote good digestion by keeping your intestines lubricated.


    Staying hydrated is crucial for helping ease constipation. If you are properly hydrated, your intestines are lubricated, and your stool will be softer and easier to pass. You can also use herbal teas to help you stay hydrated. Some herbal remedies and tea blends will not only help keep you hydrated but can also provide targeted relief from constipation and bloating.

    Switch up your diet if you suffer from bloating

    If you regularly suffer from constipation and bloating, you should consider how much fibre is in your diet.

    Fibre is a crucial part of ensuring you have a healthy digestive system. A high-fibre diet can ensure you don't suffer from constipation or bloating because your body is correctly digesting foods. Read:

    It can help provide long-term relief from constipation if your diet has more insoluble fibre and less dairy, alcohol and red meat bacon. Insoluble fibre can help get everything moving again, while other foods may lead to more blockages.

    Legumes, vegetables, and whole grains are good sources of insoluble fibre. Eating more fibre can prevent bloating and constipation better than it can treat it, so it can be used for long-term relief.

    You should look to avoid foods that could cause constipation and bloating, such as:

    • dairy
    • alcohol
    • red meats
    • fried foods.

    All of these things can cause a blockage in your intestines, leading to constipation and bloating. Avoiding these foods will prevent digestive problems and ensure you don't suffer from constipation or bloating.


    If you want long-term relief from bloating and constipation, it's best to watch your diet. Try to eat foods that include insoluble fibre to speed up your digestion and keep everything moving. Avoid things like red meat and alcohol, which slow down digestion and make bloating and constipation worse.

    Get relief from bloating with some ginger

    Eating a small amount of ginger or drinking ginger tea after a large meal can combat symptoms of constipation such as bloating by decreasing pressure in your lower intestine. This encourages your body to have a bowel movement and make space for undigested food.

    The change in pressure within your intestines can also help with bloating by allowing gas to move through your body and fill the void in the lower intestine, ready to be passed as gas.

    Ginger can help to move gas by changing the pressure in your intestines to stop bloating. Try drinking some ginger tea after dinner to warm your stomach and encourage better digestion and get relief from bloating.

    Ginger is also known as the "warming herb" because it can stimulate heat while being digested. This slight increase in temperature pushes your digestive system into overdrive and encourages your body to process foods faster and clear your system.

    This means that a small amount of ginger can alleviate constipation within hours, making it the perfect after-dinner drink or snack.

    Find out more about the amazing anti-inflammatory effects of ginger tea in this article.


    Ginger is the perfect thing to take when you feel constipated or bloated because it can stimulate your digestion by creating heat. It also helps change the pressure in your digestive tract, removing bloating instantly.

    Does abdominal massage relieve constipation?

    If your body isn't pushing food through as effectively as it should, you can help it along. Giving yourself a very gentle massage on your stomach can stimulate muscle contractions in your digestive system, thereby moving blockages and relieving constipation. Read:

    Bloating and constipation are very uncomfortable and make you want to avoid touching your stomach. However, if you can stand a bit of additional discomfort, you can help massage constipation away, encourage a bowel movement, and remove trapped gas.

    Abdominal massage is often uncomfortable to do but provides immediate relief when done correctly. For more extreme cases, you can see a professional who will do the massage for you.

    Self-abdominal massages are commonly used in the medical field to help people who suffer from chronic or repetitive constipation and bloating.

    Gentle pressure can stimulate movement through your digestive system to provide immediate relief from constipation and trapped gas.

    Here's how to give yourself an abdominal massage for constipation and bloating.

    1. Start by lying flat on your back with your stomach exposed. Do not do this over clothing as it is less effective and can cause friction burns.
    2. Place one hand on your stomach on the right side between your belly button and your hip bone. Press lightly and begin to make small circular motions.
    3. After a minute, move your hand up a few centimetres and repeat the process.
    4. Continue to make small circular motions up the right side of your stomach, across above your belly button, and down the left side toward your hip bone.
    5. Stop and wait a minute and repeat the process if necessary.

    By moving up the right side, across the top, and down the left, you support the natural movement of food in your digestive system.

    This can push hard stools, undigested food, and trapped gas through. It can also help prevent cramps.


    Giving yourself an abdominal massage can be slightly uncomfortable but will provide immediate relief from constipation and bloating when done correctly. A gentle massage can help stimulate your muscles to clear your digestive system.

    A long, hot bath to relieve stress constipation

    A long soak in a hot bath can help to relax stomach muscles and allow food to move through your digestive system.

    Relaxed stomach muscles mean food moves easily without being stuck behind cramping muscles, and constipation can be eased.

    Sitting in warm water helps you to relax your body and your mind. When you are relaxed, it is easier to digest food, go to the toilet, and you'll feel less uncomfortable.

    It's best to take a warm bath as soon as possible when you start to feel constipated so you can obtain immediate relief and possibly stop the problem from getting any worse.

    A hot bath is also a great way to just feel better. Hot baths are relaxing, can help you to de-stress, and help manage pain associated with bloating and constipation.

    As your stress level lowers, so will the level of cortisol in your body. This stress hormone can heighten feelings of discomfort and pain, so by lowering this level and relaxing, you will immediately feel better.

    Furthermore, lower cortisol levels mean your GI tract will relax and function more efficiently. This means better digestion, fewer blockages, and no bloating.

    You can even drink a nice soothing cup of herbal tea while in the bath to help you relax even more.

    Check out this article about the best sleepy time teas for some added relaxation.


    A long bath helps you to relax. With relaxed muscles, your body can push food through your system, and you will stop feeling constipated. Relaxed muscles also mean less pain and discomfort. As you relax, your stress levels drop your body will be able to focus more effectively on digesting food correctly and stop bloating.

    Can gentle exercise help you deal with constipation and bloating?

    Gentle exercise is a great way to help your body tackle constipation and bloating. It doesn't need to be an intense workout.

    Going for a good walk before and after a meal can help improve digestion and get everything moving.

    Light exercise such as a gentle stroll or yoga can help keep your body active and prepare your digestive system for food. Moving your body before and after a meal can push food through your system and help squeeze gas out to counteract bloating.

    Additionally, going for a gentle stroll after eating can help keep everything moving. Walking half an hour after eating or just before bedtime can help keep your body active.

    Often, after a large meal, constipation can be caused by your body slowing down.

    Staying active can encourage your body to digest food, trigger a bowel movement, and move excess gas, helping to stop bloating.

    Stretching can help you deal with bloating

    Stretching is another excellent form of exercise to help encourage digestion and deal with bloating.

    You don't need to know proper yoga moves either; just stretching your stomach muscles can help move gas and solids through the digestive tract.

    The best exercises are lying on your back, twisting your legs to one side, and holding the stretch, then the other.

    The twisting movement can help your muscles relax and contract and push any blocked food through your system.

    It works well for bloating as well, but since you are forcing gas through your body, be prepared for some flatulence!


    Gentle exercise, including walking and stretching, helps keep your body active and promote good digestion. Light exercise before and after a meal can help push food through your system and encourage regular bowel movements to tackle constipation and bloating.


    Bloating and constipation can be painful and embarrassing. They usually happen due to impaired digestion after a large meal.

    So, focusing on improving your digestive system is a great way to prevent and treat constipation and bloating.

    Abdominal massages and a warm bath can provide instant relief while checking your diet, and exercising can help prevent these symptoms before you start to feel them.

    You can also try having ginger or herbal tea after eating to get natural relief.

    You may need to try several different methods to see what works best for you and your body. But once you know how to find relief, you'll never have to worry again.