Coriander Seeds Weight Loss

Often overlooked, the seeds are one of the most underused parts of the coriander plant. The leaves, sometimes called cilantro, are used in cooking for their intense flavour. However, it's the seeds of the plants that have the best taste and the most health benefits.

Coriander seeds contain high concentrations of:

  • Iron
  • Fibre
  • Protein
  • Magnesium

Which are crucial for a healthy diet while losing weight. Coriander seeds can also help keep your:

  • Liver
  • kidneys
  • Digestive system
  • Bladder

In good working order. They are the perfect boost to maintain your body healthy and help remove toxins. Coriander seeds can also be used to keep your heart healthy by lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

We've taken a deep dive into how you can use coriander seeds to lose weight and keep your digestive system healthy, as well as the other amazing benefits of these seeds.

Read on to discover everything you need to know about coriander seeds.

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Coriander seeds for weight Loss

Coriander seeds are very popular for anyone looking to lose a little extra weight.

They are incredibly nutritious, which means adding just a few to your diet each day can help ensure you stay healthy while you try to lose weight.

Here are just some of the ways coriander seeds can help you to lose weight.

Coriander seeds can increase fat burning 

The seeds contain a compound that changes the lipid metabolism of your body. This sounds very technical, but it really means your body can dissolve fat and pass it as waste instead of storing it.

One study found that just 2g of ground coriander seed powder a day was enough to drastically impact the lipid parameters in the body.

Not only does this mean that your body won't store fat in the future, but it will also start burning off existing fat. If you're feeling a little big around the middle or just want to burn off some extra weight, coriander seeds can help you do that. Your body will literally break down fat and dissolve it faster than before. Read:

Coriander seeds can help dissolve fats

Having coriander seeds can help dissolve fats, but the seeds have the additional benefit of boosting your metabolism.

This means that when you exercise, your body will expend more energy and convert existing fat stores to help keep you going. For every workout you do, you'll burn more fat and build more muscle.

Coriander seeds are a good source of potassium, which is used by the body to help break down certain carbohydrates. If you are trying to reduce weight but don't want to give up bread, pasta and other carbs, adding coriander seeds is a great way to convert the carbohydrates in your diet into energy instead of fat.

Moreover, coriander also contains lots of different dietary fibres. Your body can break down fibres properly, which means that you use even more energy to digest them. The more energy your body uses, the less it can store as fat.

Continually trying to break down fibre requires your body to have better metabolism. Your body is literally using excess energy and fat to digest the fibre. Specifically, eating more of certain types of fibre can really help with belly fat!

How to add coriander seeds to your diet?

You can use coriander seeds like you use the herb; to add flavour food. Usually, the seeds are ground up, and you can buy the powder to add to curries and other dishes. You can also buy the whole seed.

They are great when toasted in a pan and added to smoothies, baked dishes, and other foods. You can also soak the seeds in water overnight to create coriander seed water. This is a super healthy drink, and you can still strain and use the seeds in cooking later.


Coriander seeds are an excellent way to aid weight loss. Because they boost your metabolism, you burn more fat when you exercise and continue burning fat throughout the day. They also contain compounds that can help change how your body processes fat, so it dissolves away and doesn't get stored on your body.

Coriander Seeds can improve digestion

The same fibre that helps to boost your metabolism is also great for your digestion. It helps slow everything down and keep your digestive system working hard to remove nutrients from your food.

This is important for weight loss because it can ensure your body only keeps the good stuff and eliminates the rest through your bowels.

The seeds also help to boost trypsin in your body. This is the process of the enzymes in your small intestine breaking down proteins. Just like with the fibre, this gives your digestion a boost to break down food properly, keep the bits you need and get rid of the rest rather than storing it as fat.

Scientists aren't sure how it works, but some think the antibacterial properties in the seeds can also help with other digestive issues such as gas, cramping, and irritable bowel syndrome. This helps keep your gut healthy, prevents infection, and ensures you stay healthy while on a restrictive diet. Read:

If you want to know more ways to help improve your digestion and deal with symptoms such as bloating, cramps, and indigestion, check out these other teas that could help.

How are coriander seeds different from the herb?

Coriander seeds and the coriander herb you use in cooking are from the same plant. It's all from the Coriandrum sativum plant, sometimes called Chinese parsley, dhania, and cilantro. The leaves are used as a herb, and the seeds are usually ground up and used as a spice. Or, the seeds can be left in some water to create dhania water.


Coriander seeds are great for helping you improve your digestion because they are packed full of fibre. This keeps your digestive system slow and steady, so your body can process all the good nutrients and remove the rest as waste. The antibacterial properties can prevent the growth of bad bacteria, which means you won't have to deal with feelings of indigestion.

Coriander seeds water is a popular detox

Lots of people like to use coriander seeds to help remove toxins from their bodies. Your body can naturally detox itself by using the liver, which helps filter and remove toxins and nasty chemicals from your bloodstream. Coriander seeds improve your liver and allow it to function more effectively.

Coriander seeds contain a powerful antioxidant called linalool which is very good for your liver. Not only can it help your liver to repair any damage (perhaps caused by too much alcohol!), but it can help to break down toxins in your liver and increase bile production.

It's the bile in your liver that actually filters and removes the bad stuff from your blood. With more lubrication, your body can detox itself better.

Coriander seeds are an excellent way to detox naturally. If you're looking for more ways to help detox, check:

What are coriander seeds good for?

Coriander seeds are a great way to lose weight while ensuring you still have a healthy, balanced diet. The seeds can help to boost metabolism, prevent fat storage and improve digestion. The seeds are also used to help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as regulating insulin levels for diabetics. The antioxidative properties in the seeds also mean they can help protect against cell damage which lowers your risk of getting cancer and helps fight signs of aging.


Coriander seeds also contribute to the proper functioning of the liver. The liver helps to detox your body by removing chemicals and toxins while filtering your blood. The seeds help increase bile production, which makes your body more effective at naturally detoxing itself.

Other health benefits of coriander seeds

Another big reason so many people want to add coriander seeds to their diet is their incredible heart-protecting properties. Heart disease is the silent killer and one of the biggest causes of death worldwide. Most people don't even know they have a problem until it's too late. You should be looking for simple ways to keep your heart healthy and ensure you don't have problems later in life.

Lower cholesterol levels

Coriander seeds can be used to help lower bad cholesterol, thereby reducing stress on your heart.

The seeds can help to remove a build-up of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood. The seeds contain a compound called coriandrin, which helps to control lipid digestion and metabolism.

This basically means that it helps dissolve fat and cholesterol in your bloodstream, so it doesn't clog your arteries and stress your heart. The seeds help change how your body deals with excess fats, meaning that your cholesterol levels will drop over the long term.

Regulate blood sugar for diabetics

Another way the coriander seeds help to keep your cardiovascular system healthy is by regulating blood sugar levels. Even for people who aren't diabetic, controlling your blood sugar is essential.

According to research, coriander seeds help improve the function of the pancreatic beta cells, which regulate insulin levels. This means sugars and insulin are processed effectively by the body in a steady stream rather than having sudden surges of sugar, leading to heart palpitations and cause long-term damage to your heart.

Another benefit of regulating insulin and blood sugar is that you won't feel sudden bursts of energy followed by a crash caused by low blood sugar. When this happens, you can end up feeling nauseous, dizzy, fatigued, and distracted. Coriander seeds stop this from happening.

Do coriander seeds taste like coriander leaves?

The seeds and leaves of the plant do have similar flavours, but there are subtle differences. The leaves have a fresher, tart taste, while the seeds have a rounder, earthier taste. Both can be used to flavour foods. The seeds can also be toasted, which gives a slightly nuttier taste.

Lowering blood pressure

Studies have shown that coriander seeds are also high in fibre and react with calcium ions and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to help widen veins and arteries.

By helping treat hypertension, coriander seeds lower blood pressure and place less stress on the heart. Lower blood pressure means your heart faces less resistance when pumping blood around your body. 

How many coriander seeds can I eat per day?

Coriander is super healthy, which means you can have a fair amount before experiencing side effects. We recommend adding two teaspoons to your food, smoothie, tea, or water to get the best health benefits. If you plan to use ground-up coriander seeds in cooking, follow the recipe to ensure it doesn't have an overwhelming taste.


By helping to regulate blood sugar levels to prevent spikes and dips and control cholesterol levels in the blood, coriander seeds help keep your heart healthy. They can also be used to treat hypertension and lower blood pressure. Stopping your heart from working too hard means a lower risk of heart disease and decreased chance of a heart attack. By adding coriander seeds to your diet, you might just save your own life!


Coriander seeds are often forgotten about. Everyone just thinks about the leaves to use in cooking. But not only are coriander seeds very tasty, but they are also very good for your health. 

Adding coriander seeds to your diet is a great way to maximise your weight loss while staying healthy. Coriander seeds can help with several invisible health issues, including cholesterol levels, diabetes, liver function, and heart disease.