rose petals

Mother nature knew what she was doing when she made the rose, the Queen of flowers. It is not only beautiful but also incredibly beneficial for women's health. Rose petals have been used to make tea for centuries as they are considered very powerful at helping women with menstrual and menopausal problems.

Rose petals are a woman's best friend, from helping with cramps and hot flushes to mood swings and sleep problems.

Used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, rose petal tea is considered one of the best teas for helping women deal with health problems related to their menstrual cycle.

Millions of women are looking for natural, healthy ways to help regulate their cycle and deal with cramps, pain, and other stomach issues. If this sounds like you, and you want to take control of your menstrual cycle or menopausal symptoms, read on to find out how rose petals could make a massive difference to your life.

Menstrual Cycle

Can rose water help with period cramps?

Rose petal tea is one of the best teas to boost women's health.

One of the first medical usages of rose petal tea was recorded in China, and it's thought to have been used as long as 4,000 years ago to help women who suffer from period cramps.

Over 50% of Australian women have intense period cramps, which affects their personal and professional lives. 

Often, standard painkillers can help reduce pain, but they don't eliminate it. Moreover, taking too many synthetic painkillers is harmful to your health. Highly effective at helping prevent cramps from happening in the first place, rose petal tea could be an excellent replacement for traditional medicines.

With no cramps, there is no pain and no need for painkillers.

Rose petals contain high concentrations of:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Magnesium

Which help soothe stomach muscles and stop sudden contractions. This means that you'll get fewer cramps, and the cramps you do experience will be less intense and less painful. Just one cup of rose petal tea per day is enough to reduce cramping effectively. Read:

Drinking rose petal tea can help menopausal women who suffer from sporadic cramping. It helps to relax tight muscles, and Magnesium helps reduce cramps related to hormone spikes by reducing Prostaglandins.

Intense period pain is caused by prostaglandin. Rose petal also works wonders for general period pain because it can help to regulate the prostaglandin and lower levels. This lessens cramps, and your body has a less intense reaction to hormonal changes; it just makes everything less painful! Of course, this means it can also help make your cycle more regular.

Cramping and pain associated with menstruation could also be linked to fertility issues. If you are trying to conceive and want to maximise your chances, read:

Can you eat rose petals?

Yes! You can eat rose petals, although eating lots of them might give you a sore stomach. Most people use rose petals to make tea rather than eat them as the hot water helps break down compounds. You should only consume rose petals that are fit for consumption. Some plants may have traces of harsh chemicals or pesticides, which could be poisonous. Better to buy rose petal tea than pick your own!

Can rose petals actually help with period pain?

Rose petals have been used in herbal remedies and holistic medicines for thousands of years to help women deal with period pain and cramps. It can help prevent cramps by soothing muscles and can help reduce painful cramps associated with menstruation and menopause. As a bonus, it can also help with mood swings which makes everything better!


    Rose petal tea contains a blend of beneficial nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and Magnesium. These nutrients can help prevent cramps, lessen the pain associated with cramps, and regulate hormones. Rose petal is the best friend of any hormonal or menopausal woman looking to live a healthy, active life without worrying about her menstrual cycle.

    Rose tea may regulate mood swings and irritability

    An incredible benefit of rose petal tea is its ability to help regulate hormone production and, therefore, to help control mood swings. Read:

    Firstly, any stressed woman wanting to take a moment for herself will benefit from sitting down and enjoying a warming cup of tea. The beautiful smell and delicate taste of rose petal tea are incredibly relaxing and mood-boosting.

    As well as having a range of benefits when consumed, rose petal aromatherapy oils have a proven calming effect on stressed out and agitated people. Just smelling rose petal tea is enough to calm you down within seconds.

    But aside from being an act of self-care, rose petal tea has an actually measurable effect on your mood. The petals contain something called flavonoids. When scientists looked into the effect plant flavonoids have on the brain, they found that they can be calming and help slow the transition of emotional signals.

    This leads to less anger and irritability and feelings of calmness, tranquillity, and a more positive outlook. Couldn't we all do with that?!

    Furthermore, flavonoids can help stabilise and regulate signals in the brain, so instead of periods of highs and lows, you'll have a more even temper and feel calmer overall. It's still early days, but specific naturally-occurring plant flavonoids are being used to cure other emotional and mental disorders such as depression, panic attacks, and anxiety.

    What does rose petal tea taste like?

    Unsurprisingly, rose petal has a very floral smell and taste. It is very fragrant and flowery and is usually very delicate, although it can turn bitter if brewed for too long. The taste is light, and it pairs well with other flower flavours as well as honey. It is usually fairly sweet and doesn't require additional sugar.


    The scent of rose petals is proven to help people relax and destress. Drinking rose petal tea has an even greater effect as the petals' flavonoids can help slow signals in the brain and stabilise mood swings. More research is currently looking into how flavonoids can help treat anxiety and depression.

    Rose tea might help with insomnia

    Nowadays, stress is one of the biggest causes of insomnia.

    Worldwide, up to 60% of adults suffer from sleepless nights and sleep disorders. Work, family, children, health, global warming, politics, etc. The reasons we stay up at night are endless, so it isn't a surprise many of us need a little help drifting off. Read:

    And what better way to fall asleep than with a cup of rose petal tea? Not only is the scent very calming and relaxing, but rose petal tea contains a mild and naturally occurring form of ethyl acetate, which has been proven to help you drift off. Ethyl acetate has a slightly hypnotic effect on the brain, which can encourage people to fall asleep faster, and it also helps people stay asleep for longer.

    Rose petal tea can help you fall asleep faster and make sure you sleep deeper and for longer. People who drink rose petal tea before bed are more rested as they spend more of their night in a Slow Wave sleep. This is the deepest and most restful type of sleep.

    In addition, rose petal tea is naturally caffeine-free. This means that it doesn't disturb your circadian rhythm, which can help regulate when you start to feel sleepy.

    Unlike medications that promote sleeping in the short term, drinking rose petal tea every day before bed can encourage your body to feel tired at the same time every day. A good sleep cycle and a healthy circadian rhythm are essential for falling asleep naturally without sedatives.

    Can I drink rose petal tea on my period?

    Yes! You can absolutely drink rose petal tea while menstruating. In fact, this is the best time to drink it, so it can help minimise cramping. It's also great to have some in the week building up to your period.


    Rose petals are very calming to smell, and drinking tea made from rose petals can help you fall asleep. Studies show that compounds in the petals can promote sleep, regulate sleep cycles and circadian rhythm, and promote a deeper, longer night's sleep.

    Rose tea can soothe an upset stomach

    The same relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe menstrual cramps can also help with digestive issues. If you suffer from cramping and stomach pain after eating, rose tea can help by soothing your intestinal tract for a smoother, less painful digestion. Read:

    Because the tea can help soothe muscles, but it doesn't fully relax them like a synthetic sedative, any food blockages can quickly be passed.

    Consistent digestion is vital to ensure your body extracts all the nutrients you need and effectively removes the rest as waste. Unlike digestive medicines, rose tea is soothing without forcing your body to lose vital nutrients by digesting food too fast. In this way, rose tea can be more effective than a standard laxative.

    Rose tea can also help to promote a healthy gut by supporting the growth of good bacteria. This means your body can break down food efficiently and help prevent constipation, bloating, and heartburn.

    Rose petal tea can also include a compound called quercetin. This is an effective medical treatment for something called leaky gut. People suffering from a leaky gut may not even know they have it. Symptoms of this disease include bloating, cramps and fatigue. The quercetin in the rose tea can help encourage better digestion and minimise this condition.

    If you struggle with bloating, you can find more information on which teas can help you beat the bloat here!

    Is rose petal tea good for you?

    Rose petal tea is very healthy and good for you. It's very hydrating, packed full of antioxidants and vitamins, helping to regulate hormones and reduce cramps. Drinking just one cup every day can help you feel more positive, give your immune system a boost, minimise cramps, prevent insomnia, and help fight toxins, pollution, and aging! Also, taking a moment to sit and drink a beautifully scented cup of rose tea is very good for reducing stress.


    Rose petal teas can help with digestive issues by soothing intestinal muscles and promoting a healthy gut. The tea stimulates the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and can help treat symptoms of leaky gut conditions such as cramps, bloating, and fatigue.

    Rose water is the secret to plump, glowing skin

    Almost every woman in the world has a mother or a grandmother who swears by rose petal water as the secret to plump, glowing skin. And it might sound like an old wives tale, but there is actually more truth to it than just superstition.

    Rose petals can be used in many creams, lotions, and floral waters to help boost collagen production and soften and hydrate the skin. Rose petals can be applied topically for beautiful skin thanks to the naturally occurring vitamin C, which hydrates and plumps the skin.

    Your grandma might swear by Rose petal toners and creams, but the best way to use rose petals for beautiful skin is to drink them! Rose petal tea is rich in plant polyphenols and antioxidants. When consumed daily, these properties help protect skin cells from damage caused by the sun, smoking, alcohol, and ageing.

    Drinking rose petal tea is more effective than applying rose water topically because the hot water breaks down the compounds that your body can naturally break down.

    Rose petal tea is also a highly concentrated source of Vitamin C, which can be great at helping reduce inflammation and redness. Lots of women drink rose petal tea to help with skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Because it is soothing, it is also great to help keep your face cool when experiencing a hot flush! Read:

    How often should I drink rose petal tea for menstrual cramps?

    Menstrual Cycle Cups / Day
    Menstruation (Day 1-7) 3-4
    Follicular Phase (Day 8-11) 0-1
    Ovulation (Day 12-17) 0-1
    Luteal Phase (Day 18-25) 0-1
    Luteal Phase (Day 26-28) 1-3

    As rose petal tea can be a huge help with cramping and period pain, you can drink it several times a day without having any side effects. Experts recommended two to three cups a day before and during your period. You can continue to drink several cups a day for the rest of the month, but you'll get more benefits during menstruation.


    Rose Petals can be used in creams and lotions and applied topically to the skin to help with hydration. Drinking rose petal tea every day can help protect skin from damage and ageing, as well as soothing irritated skin.


    Rose petals don't just smell nice! They have been used for centuries to help women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, cramping, mood swings, insomnia, and other hormonal problems. Whether you want to regulate your menstrual cycle or are preparing to go through menopause, rose tea can help.

    Let's be honest, it is also delicious and a great way to relax, destress and do something good for your body. The antioxidants and vitamins in the tea promote healthy, glowing skin and help fight off pollution and other toxins, keeping you healthy as you age.